EKC partners with international schools to help provide an exceptional educational experience to your students

We mobilize an extraordinary global network of literacy specialists to design and support your team with research-backed, innovative literacy trainings that match the specific needs of teachers and students.

We offer virtual and in-person services to help transform your school's impact.

EKC Memberships

Our membership tiers are designed to give teachers and schools alike access to our global network and hub of international school resources.

EKC Bespoke Projects

Literacy education shouldn’t be one-size-fits-all. Our bespoke projects help you curate a program to help reach your goals.

EKC Courses

Our extensive library of courses covers everything from the basics of international literacy to the latest research.

The EKC Team

Our team of 50+ global consultants facilitate in-person & virtual trainings in 6 languages across 400+ international schools.

Our Partners

Our founder

EKC founder Erin Kent consults with international schools around the world using a customized "made-for-you" approach to education.

Teaching literacy in urban, independent, and international schools before becoming a literacy coach, Erin worked for many years with educators on their need customized initiatives in literacy. As a PK-12 Director of Curriculum and Instruction, she led a team of 13 instructional coaches and advised administrators on establishing data-based educational programs. She found that schools' literacy models need to fit into their unique international context; what works in Doha doesn't work in South Africa. What works in Shanghai doesn't necessarily work in Sao Paulo.

In founding EKC, Erin helps leverage tools and tips for literacy methodology, coaching, curriculum development, and leadership through consultation, programming, and speaking engagements all over the world. When she's not with fellow educators or students, you can find her pouring over the latest literacy book to spark new ideas to use inside the classroom. As Erin Lillis often says, "we're using the word to lift the world."

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  • Testimonials

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